10 of the Coolest Houseplant Shops in the Midwest

Lush greenery and cool swag await at these one-of-a-kind plant stores.

Around the Midwest, a wave of stylish and quirky plant shops has sprouted up with enthusiasm, offering consumers access to diverse houseplant varieties—plus artwork, unique gifts, subscription services, swaps, classes and more. Whether you're cultivating a few pops of greenery or indulging in the floor-to-ceiling urban jungle aesthetic, these regional retailers can help transform your interior into a breezy getaway.

Clover houseplant shop in Milwaukee
Maggie Murphy

Clover, Milwaukee

Located in the heart of Milwaukee, Clover is a darling houseplant shop and hip art gallery under one roof. Best sellers include easy-to-care-for monsteras, hoyas (beloved for their numerous and trendy varieties) and seasonal flowers, say co-owners Maggie Murphy and Sissy Butner. An entire wall in the shop is dedicated to local female artists. "We currently have around 20 ladies' work on the walls and are always looking for more," Murphy says.

Grounded Plant and Floral Co inIndianapolis
Tara Steele

Grounded Plant and Floral Co., Indianapolis

Adding greenery is one of the most effective ways to instantly refresh interior rooms, and Grounded Plant and Floral Co. has the goods (and know-how) to help. Along with popular plants like fiddle leaf fig and monstera deliciosa (restocked every week due to demand), rarer varieties like the Cebu blue pothos and silver sword philodendron are always on offer. A finely curated assortment of home and lifestyle products, such as dried floral arrangements, make wonderful conversation starters and gifts. The shop also hosts pop-up events around town and helps customers with plant installation.

Garden District STL, St. Louis

At Garden District STL, toile-patterned linens, small-batch candles and other cozy treasures from over 100 local and regional makers take up residence alongside classic houseplants. Pothos, sansevieria, philodendrons, and monsteras are sold already potted in clay pots, "ready to live their best life," says owner Kathleen Witek. Customers can create their own custom terrariums with plants, crystals and ornaments, and regulars eagerly await the shop's latest plant drops on "New Plant Tuesdays."

Virgil's plant shop in Kansas City, Missouri
Reba Hamilton

Virgil's Plant Shop, Kansas City, Missouri

The brick-and-mortar store of Virgil's resides on aptly named Cherry Street in Kansas City's Longfellow neighborhood. "It's the dreamiest little oasis filled with tropical plants and locally made goods," says owner Reba Hamilton. But the plant shop really makes its rounds with Virgil's "Plant Bus," a school bus turned mobile conveyer of all things houseplant. "We get to pop up all over town—meaning we get to meet new folks from all over the Kansas City metro."

SheelyTown Market, Omaha

Sheelytown Market began as a humble pop-up plant shop at small neighborhood markets. Then owner Amelia Rosser reimagined the space as a place for Omaha's rich plant community to mingle, inviting customers to bring in their plants to help diagnose problems, repot and receive care advice. The store has also hosted public art installations. Discover popular sellers like hoyas, sansevierias, cacti, philodendron, and monsteras along with locally made pottery, jewelry, macrame and cards.

Plant Shop Chicago
Ozzy Gámez

Plant Shop Chicago, Chicago

Co-founders Juan Quezada and Ozzy Gamez both immigrated to the United States at a young age, and Plant Shop Chicago is a manifestation of their dream to open a shop celebrating their love of plants. Cacti and succulents grab the spotlight, but carnivorous plants, epiphytic plants (air plants) and bestselling monsteras are also popular. "We are part of the local cactus and succulent clubs and host our own plant swaps and plant shows," Gamez says. At these swaps, customers can trade highly coveted species just like baseball or Pokémon cards. Both newly propagated and well-established plants are fair game. The space next door, dubbed Casa Cactus, is used for terrarium workshops and drink-and-draw events. Soon, it will offer cold brews and be open to the public as a plant-filled community space.

Hickory Lane Plants in Springfield, Missouri
Tasha Adams

Hickory Lane Plants, Springfield, Missouri

Drivers often hit the brakes when they see Tasha Adams' mobile plant truck around town. She serendipitously scored a trailer on Facebook Marketplace for just $150 and transformed it into a whimsical mobile plant business, which has since expanded to include a brick-and-mortar store. Adams grows most of the plants she sells at Hickory Lane Plants, while the pottery, plant accessories, artwork, macramé and accessories hail from local makers. "Our bestselling plants are philodendron varieties. They are, in our opinion, one of the easiest type of plants to care for," she says. For those looking to sharpen their horticulture skills, the shop offers Houseplant 101, terrarium and staghorn fern mounting classes.

Planty Queens houseplant shop in Minneapolis
Jessie Clewell

Planty Queens, Minneapolis

In Minneapolis, Planty Queens weaves exotic houseplants like monstera albo and decorative elements into a verdant scene fit for royalty. Customers can enjoy services like in-home and virtual consultations, plus use the shop's repotting station for the plants they purchase in-store or bring from home. But perhaps its most unique offering is that it offers plant rentals for events.

The Plant Parlor, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Owner Danny Parker went to college in Florida and fell in love with the tropics. When he moved back to Michigan, he opened The Plant Parlor to bring a few of those offerings to the Midwest. "West Michigan is definitely not short on nurseries or garden centers, but no one was offering a curated selection of high-quality tropical foliage plants," he says. Parker says the people of Grand Rapids have responded with enthusiasm. White bird of paradise is a reliably good seller, as are the shop's monstera varieties.

The Botanical Bar , Indianapolis
The Botanical Bar

The Botanical Bar, Indianapolis

The Botanical Bar brings people closer to nature through houseplants and urban farming in a cozy, inviting setting. "Our goal is to inspire our community by creating an oasis," says owner Victoria Beaty. Rattlesnake plants, string of pearls succulents and monsteras are some of the shop's bestsellers. "These plants are easy to care for but brighten up any room," she says. The shop provides plant design consultations, plant doctor visits and free repotting (if the original plant and pot were purchased at the store). Can't visit in person? Explore the store's extensive online shop and houseplant subscription service, offered monthly and quarterly.

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